
Name Character Region
Eddie None Michigan
Eesh None Michigan
Egg$ (#95, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
Eggy (SSBMRank 2022 #91) None Out of State
Ellis None Out of State
Elm None Michigan
Espressotime None Michigan
essy (#79, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
ethi0pium None Michigan
Eyemasked None Michigan
Fancy None Michigan
Fatz None Michigan
Faust (#38, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
Ferd None Michigan
Ferocitii (Chicago #5) None Out of State
Ferrety Sheik Michigan
Fiction (#21, SSBM Summer 2024) None Out of State
Fire None Michigan
Fishbait (#89, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
FLASH None Out of State
Flash (#43, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
Flyzone None Michigan
Forest (#10, Chicagoland 2024 Act 2) None Out of State
Foxo None Michigan
Franz (#93, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
Freezus None Out of State
Freky None Out of State
Frost (Chicago #15) None Out of State
Frostbyte None Out of State
Fry None Out of State
g0shine None Out of State
Gahtzu (#50, SSBM Rank 2023) None Out of State
Gaussian None Michigan
Geo None Michigan
Get2Work None Michigan
Geyser None Michigan
Ginger (#26, SSBM Rank 2023) Falco Michigan
Gio None Michigan
GMAN None Michigan
Goodie None Out of State